Medical Device Failure

Nathan E Botts 0 13538 Article rating: No rating

How Data Can Help Us Prevent It

From the Healthcare Triage YouTube video page:

You can directly support Healthcare Triage on Patreon: If you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing great content.Things sometimes go wrong with airbags, food and drugs, prompting recalls. It can also happen with medical devices, though you'd think lifesaving devices like heart defibrillators or artificial hips would be closely monitored.

But the data needed to systematically and rapidly identify dangerous medical devices are not routinely collected in the United States. Why not? It wouldn't be that hard to do.

When Information Storage Gets Under Your Skin

Nathan E Botts 0 8850 Article rating: 4.0

An article from the Wall Street Journal

From the WSJ article:

Some people list emergency contacts on an implanted tag. And others see potential for the use of the tags in medicine, though one big challenge needs to be addressed for those visions to become reality: Medical personnel or anyone else trying to help someone in a medical or emergency situation will need to have some way to know that the person they’re trying to help has potentially lifesaving information available under his or her skin.
