How to Choose the Right UX Metrics for Your Product

Nathan E Botts 0 6314 Article rating: No rating

Created by Digital Telepathy in collaboration with Google Ventures

From the GV Library description:

When designing for the web, you can analyze usage data for your product and compare different interfaces in A/B tests. This is sometimes called “data-driven design”, but I prefer to think of it as data-informed design — the designer is still driving, not the data.

HIPAA Access Associated Fees and Timing

Nathan E Botts 0 9596 Article rating: No rating

An ONC HIPAA Access Video

From the HealthIT.Gov website: 

Video 2 tells the story of Hannah, who is moving across the country.  At her last visit with her current doctor, Hannah asks to have a copy of her records to take with her.  The video helps explain the associated fees, forms and the time it may take for Hannah to get a copy of her records. 
Length 5:14
