FDA Warns Against Using Unauthorized Smartwatches and Rings for Blood Glucose Measurement

Nathan E Botts 0 1817 Article rating: No rating

The FDA has not authorized, cleared, or approved any smartwatch or smart ring

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a safety communication advising against the use of smartwatches or smart rings that claim to measure blood glucose levels without piercing the skin. This warning is directed at consumers, patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers, emphasizing that the FDA has not authorized, cleared, or approved any such devices for this purpose. The alert distinguishes these products from smartwatch applications that display data from FDA-authorized devices, such as continuous glucose monitoring devices (CGMs), which do require skin piercing. The FDA's concern stems from the potential for inaccurate blood glucose measurements provided by these unauthorized devices, which could lead to serious errors in diabetes management. Such inaccuracies could result in taking incorrect doses of insulin or other medications, leading to dangerously low glucose levels, mental confusion, coma, or even death.

Navigating Privacy and Security in Digital Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Treatment Services

Nathan E Botts 0 2092 Article rating: 5.0

A report from the Opioid Policy Institute

As the opioid crisis continues to devastate communities across the United States, digital health services have emerged as a beacon of hope for increasing access to essential addiction treatment and recovery support. However, the promise of these digital platforms is marred by significant privacy and security concerns that threaten the very fabric of effective addiction healthcare.

The following provides a summary based on a new investigative report from the Opioid Policy Institute. Their report delves into the critical aspects of privacy and security that individuals should consider when using digital services for the purchase of opioids and seeks to provide guidance on navigating these digital landscapes safely.


The Critical Importance of Owning Your Medical Data

Nathan E Botts 0 1920 Article rating: No rating

Securing Personal Health

In an age where data breaches are increasingly common, the security of medical data has become a paramount concern. A recent article on Wired, titled "Your Medical Data Is Code Blue," delves into the alarming frequency of medical data breaches and the profound implications they have for individuals. This situation underscores the vital importance of individuals owning and controlling their health information to dictate legitimate use and safeguard their privacy.
