Health eProfile Articles and Education
HIPAA Access and Third Parties

HIPAA Access and Third Parties

An ONC HIPAA Access Video

Nathan E Botts 0 14020 Article rating: 5.0

From the HealthIT.Gov website: 

Video 3 – HIPAA Access and Third Parties: Video 3 tells the story of Martin, who would like to share the health information in his medical record with a heart health application on his smartphone.  The video provides information on the right to provide access to a third party, including a mobile application device.  Length 3:16

HIPAA Access Associated Fees and Timing

HIPAA Access Associated Fees and Timing

An ONC HIPAA Access Video

Nathan E Botts 0 9595 Article rating: No rating

From the HealthIT.Gov website: 

Video 2 tells the story of Hannah, who is moving across the country.  At her last visit with her current doctor, Hannah asks to have a copy of her records to take with her.  The video helps explain the associated fees, forms and the time it may take for Hannah to get a copy of her records. 
Length 5:14

Individual's Rights under HIPAA to Access their Health Information

Individual's Rights under HIPAA to Access their Health Information

An ONC HIPAA Access Video

Nathan E Botts 0 12913 Article rating: No rating

From the HealthIT.Gov website: 

Video 1 provides a high-level overview of the HIPAA access rights and introduces  the topics of fees, timing and sharing health information with a third party. 

Length 3:27