Why it's Important to Check Your Health Records Guidance from the Office for Civil Rights on your right to access your health records Nathan E Botts / Sunday, June 23, 2019 0 36573 Article rating: 5.0 From the HHS Office for Civil Rights website: Ask your doctor. You have the right to see and get copies of your health information - PDF. In most cases, you can get a copy the way you want it, such as by e-mail. While your doctor normally has up to 30 days to provide you a copy of your information, your doctor often can provide the information much sooner than that. If your doctor offers a web portal, you may be able to easily view and download your health information whenever you want. Read more
Sharing Sensitive Health Information: Protect Your Privacy and Improve Your Health A guide from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Nathan E Botts / Saturday, March 31, 2018 0 54392 Article rating: 5.0 This 2-page ONC published graphic novel (aka comic book) is a short guide that helps illustrate why protecting your health privacy is important and issues to consider when sharing sensitive health information. Read more